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Real Audio Information & Notes

Although it's probably highly unlikely to work, as I don't really know enough about the way Real Audio works. I've setup this page for people to download various files that I have found, which supply various sources and associated files to do with Real Audio.

Any relevant credits and/or acknowledgements are within the relevant files/archives

A couple of links to Amiga and DOS source codes are also available:-

Kira Brown and Justin Fletcher (Gerph) did some work on a RISC OS compilation, so you can download the relevant RISC OS executables from Kira's web page at www.neutralino.demon.co.uk/software.html (local mirror here) or download the source code from Justin Fletcher's site at www.thevillage.ndirect.co.uk/justin/software.html

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Last edit: 10th Apr 2016 at 5:24pm
(2928 days ago)

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